Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

I See You

In anger and contempt I see Love’s grace In violence and discord I see Love’s union In all things At all times In everything I see There, yes there, I see you ~Keith Allen Kay This poem opens the door for an amazing practice. Take a half hour and purpose every thought to be seen […]


Beloved, you are the embodiment of an ecstatic Universe Every particle of your being Dancing to the celebration of Life Every atom in your body A living Light of Love Your hips sway to Heaven’s music Your voice a fragrance of Joy’ delight A wonder and mystery I shall ever seek to unfold ~Keith Allen […]

I See You

In anger and contempt I see Love’s grace In violence and discord I see Love’s union In all things At all times In everything I see There, yes there, I see you ~Keith Allen Kay This poem opens the door for an amazing practice. Take a half hour and purpose every thought to be seen […]


Beloved, you are the embodiment of an ecstatic Universe Every particle of your being Dancing to the celebration of Life Every atom in your body A living Light of Love Your hips sway to Heaven’s music Your voice a fragrance of Joy’ delight A wonder and mystery I shall ever seek to unfold ~Keith Allen […]