Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Every Particle

Every particle in the Universe Is a mirror to your Beauty Every action, great or small A story of your Love Every lover dicovers A entirely new ecstasy In sweet, sweet Union ~Keith Allen Kay


Reality is the fullness of our Experience Neither static or meerly objective Reality is super dynamic, metadimentional Conscious, subconscious, unconscious Reality is essentially Imaginal Malleable, augmentable, transformable ~Keith Allen Kay

Every Particle

Every particle in the Universe Is a mirror to your Beauty Every action, great or small A story of your Love Every lover dicovers A entirely new ecstasy In sweet, sweet Union ~Keith Allen Kay


Reality is the fullness of our Experience Neither static or meerly objective Reality is super dynamic, metadimentional Conscious, subconscious, unconscious Reality is essentially Imaginal Malleable, augmentable, transformable ~Keith Allen Kay