Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Before Time

You, my love are from Before Before time Before shame Before guilt Innocence is all you know Guilt and shame are finite experiences Innocence is Eternal and ever lasting You have never known in this life Or in your true Life beyond A single moment or a simple breath Where Love was not your entire […]

I am Love

I am Love I am the Lover I am the Beloved Such a powerful affirmation. Hold any situation of your life before your eyes, now place that situation between your hands. Say out loud the affirmation above 12 times, pause, breathe deeply 3 times. Can you feel how different the environment of your situation has […]

Before Time

You, my love are from Before Before time Before shame Before guilt Innocence is all you know Guilt and shame are finite experiences Innocence is Eternal and ever lasting You have never known in this life Or in your true Life beyond A single moment or a simple breath Where Love was not your entire […]

I am Love

I am Love I am the Lover I am the Beloved Such a powerful affirmation. Hold any situation of your life before your eyes, now place that situation between your hands. Say out loud the affirmation above 12 times, pause, breathe deeply 3 times. Can you feel how different the environment of your situation has […]