Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)
Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)
Wonder of Love
In the Wonder of Love Both seen and unseen Are created for your delight Invisible things speak of the visible The comprehensible moves From within the Incomprehesible You are from both worlds Judge neither, enjoy both Could one disdain the In-breath And celebrate the Out-breath? Judge not what is seen With the eye or through […]
Beloved, You are the sojourner You are the way You are the destination You are Love Every crooked path, leads to Love Love is all there is ~Keith Allen Kay
Wonder of Love
In the Wonder of Love Both seen and unseen Are created for your delight Invisible things speak of the visible The comprehensible moves From within the Incomprehesible You are from both worlds Judge neither, enjoy both Could one disdain the In-breath And celebrate the Out-breath? Judge not what is seen With the eye or through […]
Beloved, You are the sojourner You are the way You are the destination You are Love Every crooked path, leads to Love Love is all there is ~Keith Allen Kay